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Sonoma County - Your Vote Matters!

Sonoma County - Your Vote Matters!
At Barber Insurance Agency, we know that every election is important, but this year’s election on November 5th, 2024, carries special significance for both local and national politics. From choosing our next president to voting on critical local measures, your voice has the power to shape the future. Now is the time to ensure you're registered and ready to vote in Sonoma County.

Are You Registered to Vote?

Before you can make your voice heard, you need to ensure you're registered to vote. It only takes a few minutes to confirm your registration status, update your address, or register for the first time. Visit to make sure you're all set to receive your mail-in ballot or vote in person on Election Day.

Why This Election Matters

This year’s election isn’t just about selecting national leaders—it’s also about making decisions that directly impact our local community. Local issues are on the ballot, and they deserve your attention. They have the potential to influence critical areas such as education, infrastructure, and public services in Sonoma County. Understanding these measures and their implications is key to making an informed decision. You can find more information about these local issues on the official Sonoma County elections page here.

Countdown to Election Day: November 5th, 2024

The November 5th election is fast approaching—make sure you’re ready! Whether you vote early by mail or head to the polls on Election Day, your vote is crucial in shaping the future of our country and our community here in Sonoma County.

At Barber Insurance Agency, we encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. Together, we can make a difference in both national and local politics. Don’t miss your chance to have a say in the decisions that matter most to you.