Wowie! 2019 was a big year for us! We celebrated our 50th year in business surrounded by friends, family, business partners, and clients alike. On a beautiful September afternoon, we raised money for the Humane Society of Sonoma County while we boogied to music from our co-owner, Cheryl, and her super rad band, Amity Janes. We also spent the year volunteering with the sweet dogs at the Humane Society of Sonoma County and finding different ways to collaborate with them from social media efforts to the Humane Race fundraising event.
Setting a New Years resolution heading into a new year and new decade can be a lot of pressure. We're using the opportunity to set some goals for 2020 that have been on our periphery for a while now.
Back in October, we participated in the Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drill and had a lot of fun with it! We realized we had some work to do to be best prepared for a disaster. With "The Big One" looming in the future and the volatile wildfire seasons in our area, we are making it our perogative this year to build up our disaster kits on site, become well versed in how to handle a natural disasters, and be a resource for our community in disaster preparedness. We'll be coordinating giveaways and contests throughout the year as we go through this process ourselves. Stay tuned! Happy New Year from your friends at Barber Insurance Agency!