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Car Insurance for Your College Student: What to Know if They’re Taking Their Car to School

Car Insurance for Your College Student: What to Know if They’re Taking Their Car to School

Car Insurance Tips for College Students Taking Their Car to School

As your college student heads off to school with their car, ensuring they have the right car insurance coverage is essential. Here’s a concise guide to help you prepare:

1. Update Their Policy with the New Location

  • Why: Insurance premiums vary by location. Moving to an urban or rural area can impact costs.
  • Action: Notify your insurer of the new address to adjust the premium accordingly.

2. Consider “Student Away at School” Discounts

  • Why: If the school is far from home and the car isn’t driven often, this discount could save money.
  • Action: Check with your insurer to see if your student qualifies.

3. Utilize Good Student Discounts

  • Why: Many insurers offer discounts for students with good grades, which can lower premiums.
  • Action: Provide proof of grades to your insurance company.

4. Verify Coverage for Rideshare or Delivery Jobs

  • Why: Standard policies may not cover work-related driving.
  • Action: If your student takes up a gig job, check for necessary coverage or endorsements.

5. Evaluate Coverage Needs

  • Why: Older cars might not need comprehensive and collision coverage, potentially reducing costs.
  • Action: Assess the car’s value and adjust coverage as needed.

6. Ensure Proper Documentation

  • Why: Your student should know what to do in an accident and have all necessary documents.
  • Action: Equip them with an insurance card, registration, and policy details.

By addressing these key points, you can ensure your college student has the right car insurance coverage while minimizing costs.